
Working With The Best Is Logic


Healthcare & Insurance

Every time your phone rings and no one answers, your practice is losing an opportunity to gain a new patient or strengthen your relationship with an existing client. Missing just one call per day matters in a highly competitive marketplace. Partnering with a healthcare & insurance call center allows you to offer smart patient management solutions that nurture loyalty, generate referrals and improve office productivity.

Healthcare BPO Delivers Higher-Quality Patient Care Services

Medical facilities and health-industry organizations are facing immense challenges in providing quality patient experiences without overburdening administrative staff. Working with a reliable healthcare BPO partner is becoming a common practice at medical facilities across the nation. A full two-thirds of U.S. hospitals utilize medical call center services to eliminate many critical patient care issues, including customer engagement rates, first-call resolutions and compliance with HIPAA regulations.

When a patient contacts your organization, they have important questions that can have life-altering answers. The responses customers receive about which benefits are covered, the balance they owe, or the next available doctor appointment can determine whether they get the medical treatments they need. Accuracy in every conversation is critical to building your credibility as a provider of quality care. It is this trust that keeps patients returning for other valuable services and inspires them to recommend your practice to their network.

Our reliable staff is available to answer every call, email or text that comes in, and each answer is personalized based on the patient’s unique profile. Practices of all sizes and specialties reap the benefits of tapping our expert knowledge on how to improve patient satisfaction and office productivity.

Healthcare Call Centers Enhance the Patient Experience

Customer satisfaction multiples when patients can easily pay premiums, make claims and get accurate answers. Even more importantly, customers are willing to pay higher prices for healthcare services when they receive these value-added experiences.

BCE Logistics contracts with a wide range of small, medium and large healthcare networks focused on an array of medical specialties to implement HIPAA-compliant, scalable solutions for healthcare call centers that reduce costs while better serving their growing patients lists. Our healthcare BPO services extend from providing after-hours answering services for community clinics to assisting administrators with meeting the demands of millions of plan members. Our experienced account managers consult with Information Technology departments to implement applications that provide secure patient access to medical records and develop interactive voice response (IVR) systems to intuitively direct incoming calls. BCE Logistics excels at consistently posting impressive call response times and exceeding target conversion goals during member marketing initiatives.

Whether we are fulfilling a support role for your in-house office staff or serving as the navigators of your entire patient care program, you still always maintain control. You determine which services are needed and how often. It is our job to relieve the burden on your shoulders to staff, train and monitor your healthcare contact services team. BCE Logistics strategically supports the demands required by your practice, so your customized plan only includes the inbound and outbound call center services that you need to meet your key performance indicators.

Tap the Talents of Technically Trained Healthcare Reps

BCE Logistics is equipped with the personnel resources and technological tools to provide nationwide patient management services. For many years, we have served as the go-to resource for hospitals, independent practices, state-funded Medicaid plans and Health Benefit Exchange programs that need compassionate care coordinators who are HIPAA certified.

Every agent on your dedicated team receives in-depth coaching on how to convey empathy, deter conflicts and quickly resolve problems. Our healthcare specialists are also trained in medical terminology, insurance claims and payment processing. Your handpicked team of brand-trained agents are available at any moment that your patients need to engage with you. We work with each client to craft customized call scripts that comply with company policies but also have room for personalization for each patient.

All conversations are documented so that you always have records of calls, which are easily integrated into your EMR system. Bilateral access to this information allows our agents to have a full view of the patient’s interactions with your company.

They are standing by 24/7 to handle inbound patient calls concerning:

  • Verification of eligibility for plan coverage.
  • Enrollment assistance in preventative care programs.
  • Status updates on submitted claims.
  • Explanation of Benefits (EOB) for physician and pharmacy services.
  • Inquiries about billing statements and payment processing.
  • Escalation of urgent issues to your on-call triage staff, nurse helpline or pharmacy assistance.

Providing superior customer service experiences also involves being proactive in your efforts to stay connected with patients throughout their entire health journey

BCE Logistics’ healthcare call centers are perfectly positioned to help you raise consumer awareness about your organization with our extensive outbound support services, including:

  • Reconnecting with patient’s post-discharge to ensure satisfactory outcomes.
  • Preventing patient drop-offs with scheduling and support services. Appointment reminders improve no-show rates by 75 percent, and regular pre-surgery consultations drive up revenue by keeping patients on track with their procedures.
  • Sharing early intervention strategies to educate customers about preventative programs.
  • Contacting patients for feedback to identify where your company is excelling at customer service and which areas need improvement.

Powerful Patient Management Solutions

Each BCE Logistics client builds a customized plan to fulfill critical components of their patient management strategy. Our specialties encompass:

BCE Logistics’ multilingual support team is accessible via phone, email or secure text messaging so that customers can reach out on any communication platform that is available. All services fully meet the strict HIPAA standards and PHI confidentiality regulations. Our user-friendly healthcare CRM platform is powered by sophisticated software that is configurable and scalable for customer care coordination, patient tracking and automated engagement. Call analytics applications compile detailed reports on client accounts, response times and the exact steps taken throughout the process. These insights help your company make data-driven decisions about which member engagement strategies provide the best ROI.

Ready to start your next outsourcing project?

Professionally trained and HIPAA-certified agents coupled with innovative technology lowers your operational costs. Connect with an experienced account manager contact us today to find out how BCE Logistics’ healthcare & insurance call center services can support your business operations within your budget and scale up as your company grows.
